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Image credit: Garry Knight (Flickr)

Over 15,000 people took to the streets of London, UK, this Saturday for a climate change march, which ended in a rally outside parliament. The event is just one of roughly 2,500 similar marches around the world calling for more action on climate change. Here’s what a few of the influential people involved are saying: …

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Image Credit: Glen Scarborough (Flickr)

Step aside, organic. Sustainability is the new buzzword in farming, and for good reason! Organic farming is great and all, but with the amount of water and land required to grow a substantial amount of food – it just doesn’t cut it anymore, least of all in India with its poor soil and volatile weather. …

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In school, we are taught that plants grow in soil. If we go outside of cities into the rural areas of the country, we see traditional farmer’s fields, where the plants shoot up from the ground towards the sun with their roots firmly in the soil. Most people keep potted plants in their houses and …

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Hydroponics tower in Singapore. Image credit: Leong Him Woh (Flickr)

Could we make a futuristic Indian aquaponics tower to rival this one in Singapore? Singapore also has one of the highest population’s densities on the planet – 5.3 million people live within 710 square kilometer. In any case, crowding is something we’re also familiar with India! At the moment, only about 7% of all Singapore’s …

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Image Credit: Framtiden i våre hender (Flickr)

Tristram Stuart is an English writer, food waste campaigner and winner of the international environmental award The Sophie Prize in 2011. Why we love him His book Waste, is eye-opening and shocking in its divulgence of just how much perfectly good food is wasted worldwide (apparently up to half!) His organization, Feeding the 5000, highlights …

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studion tdes (Flickr)

Vegetarians, vegans and those interested in animal rights, occasionally ask us the question – is aquaponics ethical? They worry: •If the plants can be considered edible for a vegan (as they were nourished by fish poop) •If the fish are harmed •If the fish food is vegetarian. Everyone has a different set of ethical principles …

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Image credit: U.S. Department of Agriculture (Flickr)

Will we be able to feed the huge population growth planet earth is experiencing? Are there any ways we can reduce the contamination of our water supply that comes from agriculture pesticides? As cities grow and get further away from farms, is there a way to start growing food a little close to home? The …

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Mixed aquaponic herbs! Credit: Don LaVange (Flickr)

Allopathic medicine is a great thing, however many of us are too quick to head to the drugs cabinet for day to day minor ills, which is criminal really when there are SO many natural solutions that work brilliantly! In days of yore, people’s gardens doubled up as a pharmacy, but this traditional knowledge is …

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Aquaponic lettuce! Image credit: asdfawev (Flickr)

We’ve stumbled upon the below video from Morningstar Fishermen in Hawaii and wanted to share it with you guys. It’s a great demo for what you can achieve with your aquaponics system. Theirs is a highly efficient and relatively inexpensive system, and is also a terrific example of the wide range of produce you can …

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Aquaponics pests! Image credit: Matt Reinbold (Flickr)

Unfortunately, pests are a problem for all gardeners – even aquaponic ones. An aquaponics system has to be kept completely organic, because whatever you spray on the plants will eventually make it back to the fish. If toxic chemicals are sprayed on your lettuces you will fairly swiftly have some dead fish floating around on …

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