I’m in England visiting my parents, and I’ve been making myself useful by becoming the resident fruit picker in our garden. My biggest job has been a gnarly old plum tree, which has come up trumps this summer with the biggest load of juicy plums we’ve had in years.
What has struck me about this is the year-by-year inconsistency of the fruit yield. Some years there is barely any fruit. Some there are lots of plums but they are not very sweet. Some years the fruit is good but the birds get there before we do. Other years (like this one) sees a great deal of sweet fruit PLUS a handy daughter to help pick them.
Although plum trees are great, the wonderful thing about aquaponics is the reliability factor. If the conditions are correct, you cannot fail to grow abundant amounts of delicious fruit and vegetables, maybe even aquaponics plums!
I will be back in India soon with my favourite aquaponics team. But in the meanwhile, I am helping my mother stock the deep freeze for the winter ahead with plum crumble and the larder with sweet plum jam.
See you soon!
Aquaponics in India will soon be offering consultancy services. Please get in touch for more information.